During our Easter Communion Service I was interrupted during the distribution of the elements. Yes, you heard me right.
Brazen as can be, a squad of children marched up to me while the juice was being passed around and a little voice says “More bread?”.
You see, at my current community of faith we pass out little 1×1 inch cubes of sandwich bread. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that, but for a small child a feast it is not! And my daughter, a bit of a ringleader, knows where the good stuff is. On mom’s plate at the front sits a whole piece of bread.
And so she brings her new little friends up with her, just as she does when she is the only child there, asks for more. Because, at this table, no one is turned away, especially not children.
Anticipating that some individuals might not appreciate the certainty with which the children approached the congregation, I turned to them to say: Isn’t it wonderful that children don’t know scarcity, that all they know is abundance. There is always more. And, what an incredible thing it would be if we all approached the Lord’s table in this way.
Children, Jesus rightly pointed out, have a wonderful approach to the kin-dom of God. We are so lucky to have their prophetic voice in our churches, reminding us of both our humanity and God’s Spirit at work.
To be sure, it was the best Easter communion I had tasted.